Table of Contents

This is our major group buddy ready for the month of May. I’ve opted for the audiobook version as this month is already looking rather ambitious as you will notice moving forward.

So far the audio narration has been very good. Even though I haven’t really connected with any one character or this story, it’s been very creative and entertaining which is why I’ve continued progressing.

3.75 – Stars Review to follow

When I got back into reading for enjoyment in 2019 I did some research to find authors to try. Fast forward five years later and this series is still sitting on my shelf yet to be read.

I’ve heard so many great things about this book which is why it’s on my shelf and this list. I think the main reasons I haven’t started it is the fact the series has not been finished (which used to prevent me from reading books, not so much now) and the density of it intimidated me a bit as well.

16% Completed

Unfortunately the way last month went and wanting to get a jump on my remaining reads for the SPSFC-3 competition, this was one of two books that got pushed to May.

The other unfortunate aspect of this was I even paused at 51% to start those other previous mentions. Luckily with good notes I was able to pick up right where I left off a couple of weeks later and finished this in just a couple of days to start the month.

4.5 Stars – Full review to follow

This was the other read that got pushed to May. I was able to read and truly enjoy this novella over the past weekend. This was a prequel novella for the Malitu series which I had fun with late last year and wanted to continue.

My biggest praise for this read was that it did not feel like a novella. I’ll get into that more when I release the review though. This added a nice bit of history and depth to this world. I hope I can get to book two before too long this year.

4.5 Stars – Full review to follow

I started the Murderbot Diaries quite some time ago now. Even though I wasn’t overly impressed with the first book, I was still intrigue enough to continue.

I figured this would be a nice addition this month with all the more thicker reads I have slated for May.

Yet to be started

I’ve been loving The Terminal List series over the last year or more now. I know I’m closing in on getting caught up with the series and I want to be before the next installment is released next month.

This one will be a priority for me to get to in May.

5.0 Stars – Review to follow

As a friend and I wrapped up book two of The Dark Tower series, we are hoping to continue with the third book in May.

If I’m being honest, this is one of my lower priority reads for the month though so it may get pushed if time becomes limited. I do want to keep the momentum going with this series though. As weird as Stephen King stories can be, I think some continuity can help with keeping up with things.

Yet to be started

This is one of my two remaining finalist reads for the SPSFC-3 competition. I’ve tried to spread out the page count a bit and this is the lightest of the four I had to read by the deadline. I felt this would give me a nice break leading up to the second largest of the four to finish things up.

So far I’ve been enjoying the story in general though early on I have gotten a bit confused a couple of times on where or when things are actually taking place. I hope in time those are revealed.

4 Stars – Review to follow

This will be the final of my four SPSFC-3 competition finalists to read. I’ve been hearing a bit of chatter about this one and I am intrigued.

The name and cover alone have got my interest. I’m hoping to finish strong with this one.

16% Completed

Bob the Wizard has been on my radar since the beginning of SPFBO-9 and immediately made my personal TBR from the entries of that competition last year.

A.I. art drama aside, I loved the original cover for this book. So much so I went searching for a physical copy online just to add to my collection in hopes of reading this one in May. I was lucky enough to find a second hand copy being sold from a friend within the BookTube community and I picked it up.

I really hope to get to this one in May but it may be a casualty push to next month if time doesn’t allow.

Yet to be started

Ancient As The Stars was a last minute read a few days into May. As I was updating items in Goodreads, I noticed that May was designated Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month which gave me the idea of trying to find an Indie or Self Published author that met this criteria.

I went to Twittter/X for recommendations and I was not disappointed. The initial mention was from the author who was hesitant to recommend her own book but I didn’t mind at all. She was kind enough to offer to send me an eARC copy as the official release isn’t until next month.

This works great as I get to take part in the AA&IPH Month as well as share my thoughts and review to help the release next month.

Yet to be started

The Monthly Outlook

As I mentioned earlier, my May TBR is looking rather ambitious and I’m not very confident that I will get to all 9 of these books. I’ve already designated both a visual and audio selection that may get pushed out a month. I’ve been making some good progress early though so we will see how the month shakes out.

Picture of Chad Barnard

Chad Barnard

Owner/Operator of The Hiking Reader Blog. Sharing thoughts on books and hiking trails and trying to find ways to continue to incorporate both hobbies together.

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