Table of Contents

“A woman boards a plane in the African country of Burkina Faso having just completed a targeted assassination for the state of Israel. Two minutes later, her plane is blown out of the sky.

Over 6,000 miles away, former Navy SEAL James Reece watches the names and pictures of the victims on cable news. One face triggers a distant memory of a Mossad operative attached to the CIA years earlier in Iraq—a woman with ties to the intelligence services of two nations…a woman Reece thought he would never see again.

Reece enlists friends new and old across the globe to track down her killer, unaware that he may be walking into a deadly trap.”

Title: In the Blood

Series: Terminal List #5

Author: Jack Carr

Page Count: 459

Genre: Thriller

Rating: 4.75/5.0

Date Read: March 31st, 2024

If you haven’t been following along with my reads and reviews, I actually got through both The Devil’s Hand and now In the Blood by Jack Carr in less than two weeks apart. Needless to say, I’m rather enjoying this series. I only have one more book to be caught up on the series just in time for the next release in another couple of months.
The pacing continues to be smooth as far as the prose but lots of suspense and excitement to keep things fresh along the way. I continue to devour these in audio format narrated by Ray Porter. I’ll continue to say he does an excellent job bringing this story and it’s characters to life.
The worldbuilding continues to surprise me and how well I can feel present within the story. As a reader who has primarily focused on science fiction and fantasy for years, I always thought it would be difficult to pull off stories that take place in a mostly real and familiar world like this. The entire series has bounced all over the globe with it’s story whether it’s providing background and history or current moments and events. Jack Carr also does an excellent job in finding some real life events to mix into his stories which can help readers who are at least a little familiar with them. It just makes things feel that more believable.
The character development is solid once again. I felt that we finally started to see some change in James in this story. It’s just unfortunate on the timing of how this book ended. However, that does make me anxious to get to the next one to see what happens from that point. The final hunt(s) for In the Blood were just awesome. Seeing two of the best snipers in the world face off in what is basically a chess match trying to guess or second guess what each other may do was just great to see unfold.
I don’t have much else to add to this read and series other than once again I feel that the author does a great job in making his characters feel very human whether that is for the better or not. Sometimes it helps us connect and feel for the characters and other times it makes us understand just how cruel and twisted people can be as well.
I’m going to guess if you are this deep into the series you’re probably going to continue to read them as they are released. If you haven’t checked out the Terminal List series yet and are looking for good thrillers with plenty of mystery and military fiction type of characters and stories, this is probably right up your alley!

World Building 5/5
Pacing 5/5
Character Development 4.5/5

Picture of Chad Barnard

Chad Barnard

Owner/Operator of The Hiking Reader Blog. Sharing thoughts on books and hiking trails and trying to find ways to continue to incorporate both hobbies together.

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