Reign of Demons

The invincible Ogonians keep taking every city and castle in Gorania by storm.

The last obstacle standing between them and their promised paradise is the mighty fortress of Karun, the very stronghold Nardine has been intent on capturing. But as the tension rises between her, her disgruntled vassals, and her untrustworthy Skandivian allies, the last Queen of Bermania has to rally her people before she might worry about racing the Cursed Army to her new base.

Halgrim and Zahra must find a way out of the soon-to-be-doomed city of Inabol if they wish to continue their impossible journey to the Frozen Cave. In the west, Frankil and his new band follow the Wandering Seer on a mysterious mission. And far in the east, Leila finds herself in a tricky position, where she has to decide which Goranian faction is going to live and which is going to perish.

Every battle, every sacrifice, every decision, every mistake; all lead to the most decisive showdown since the dawn of this world. A showdown that might mark the end of the era of humans and declare the beginning of a new reign.


Title: Reign of Demons

Series: War of the Last Day #3

Author: Karim Soliman

Page Count: 677

Genre: Fantasy

Rating: 5.0/5.0

Date Read: September 2nd, 2023


I've been enjoying the War of the Last Day series by Karim Soliman up to this point. And though I've been hearing chatter about the finale, this one kind of snuck up on me. The author reached out to me with an opportunity to read an eARC but I knew I'd have to really try and squeeze it in before the official release date. Well I found a way! I feel this was Karim's best work so far. I hope to touch on why I feel this way over the next couple of sections. (Book #0 The Third Crossing Review, Book #1 Army of the Cursed Review, Book #2 Tattered Banners Review)


The pacing is certainly fast in this finale. This entire series reads very easily in my opinion. This book is considerably thicker than the others previously released in this series. It never really felt that way to me though. This was another read where the pages just kept turning every time I picked it up. There is an awful lot going on with the finale though. We have so many characters to keep track of in the finale. Not only the characters we've been routinely following but we have some return from stories in the past as well. This was a nice little surprise.

World Building

The world building continued to expand in the finale. Not so much in geographical scope but the details of this world in general. As our characters near the end of this story, they learn a lot of history right along with us. And being a fan of history myself, this was very appealing to me!

Character Development

The character development was running right along side with the continual world building mentioned above. We have a lot of characters who are finding some closure to different things that have been lingering throughout this series and finding out their place in the now as well as the future. We have our fair share of characters we are cheering on and of course some that want us to pull our hair out (if you have any) due to the decisions or lack there of they might be making!


When I finished this one, I couldn't help but get goosebumps on the final line. I had to reach out to Karim at the moment to tell him so and that I thought it was his most complete work I've read so far.
If you've enjoyed any book in this series, I'd recommend continuing on until you finish it. Don't let the density of the finale scare you away either. It's worth it my friends!


Pacing 4.5 / 5.0

Worldbuilding 5.0 / 5.0

Character Development 5.0 / 5.0


The Bloody Chorus

