Table of Contents

“Peter cares about three things: his family, his friends, and escaping an apprenticeship he hates. He works to appease his parents but bides his time until he can adventure on his own.

Rumors surface of a legendary treasure, the Amulet of Power, that’s been lost for centuries. When a clue to the artifact’s location falls in their laps, Peter and his friends embark on a quest to uncover the long-forgotten mysteries of the fabled prize.

Unfortunately, the group of friends aren’t the only ones seeking it. An enemy will stop at nothing to receive the limitless power the Amulet supplies. The closer Peter gets, the higher the stakes become. Not only is his city threatened, but the lives of his friends and family hang in the balance, and the only way to save them is to find the treasure first.”

Title: Fortress of the Lost Amulet

Series: Treasure Hunters Alliance #1

Author: Michael Webb

Page Count: 337

Genre: Fantasy

Rating: 4.0/5.0

Date Read: September 25th, 2023

My 25th SPFBO-9 read was Fortress of the Lost Amulet by Michael Webb. Although I don’t have a lot of confidence that it would make it far in the competition, I have to admit the timing for me to read this couldn’t have been better. I had so much fun with this one. I was right in the middle of an almost month long reading slump and this one’s light hearted trope filled story was just what I needed for a break.
The pacing was very steady throughout this read. I opted for the audiobook version which was narrated by Tim Campbell. I thought Tim did a great job in giving this story and it’s characters life. As I mentioned above, I had bee slogging through reads lately, not necessarily bad reads, just not enjoying them as much as usual. The hunt for the lost amulet brought me back to my usual enjoyment of reading for a time. I didn’t have any real issues with names or keeping up with what was going on which is always important for me when listening to audiobooks as I’m usually multitasking when doing so.
The worldbuilding seemed like a traditional fantasy world with Michaels own twists for his story. I didn’t really feel surprised by anything but this story and it’s world just felt like a nice warm blanket and hot cup of cocoa on a cold winter night for me. The author does do a great job in describing his world though so that we feel immersed in his story.
The character development is probably the strongest aspect to this read. Our protagonist certainly goes through his own growth and struggles along the way, but we have some excellent supporting characters for us to buy into the importance of finding the lost amulet and what that means not only for our character but the world in general.
I was pleasantly surprised with the Fortress of the Lost Amulet and I see that book two is already available so it is getting added to my list of series to continue as time allows.
As far as recommendations go I think the opening blurb on Goodreads is a very fitting description of this story. “Part Indiana Jones. Part Percy Jackson, All fantasy adventure.” If that sounds interesting to you, I’d certainly check it out! It’s a relatively short read or listen as well at just over 300 pages or around 9 hours on audiobook (or shorter if you speed things up), meaning it’s fairly easy to squeeze into a busy reading schedule if you just need a fantasy equivalent to comfort food.

World Building 4/5
Pacing 4/5
Character Development 4.5/5

Picture of Chad Barnard

Chad Barnard

Owner/Operator of The Hiking Reader Blog. Sharing thoughts on books and hiking trails and trying to find ways to continue to incorporate both hobbies together.

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