Welcome to the home of The Hiking Reader.
Here you will find a couple of different blogs where I can share my hobbies and passions with others who may be interested in similar topics.
My goal for this space is to inspire others to find things they enjoy even if they differ from what I’m sharing here. If nothing else, I hope my posts can at least spark some discussions on these topics.
Book Blog
In this space you will find various posts regarding books. This may include my own book reviews, what’s on my TBR (To Be Read), reading outlooks and recaps or other general posts about books and reading.
Wargaming Blog
This blog will focus on another major hobby of mine. Here you may find posts of miniature painting such as works in progress or finished projects. There may also be some battle recaps of when our group gets together for a game. I may even dip into discussing my list building. Games you may find here include: Warhammer 40,000, Age of Sigmar, One Page Rules Grimdark Future and Age of Fantasy, Malifaux, Bolt Action and several other that I’ve played over the years or may play in the future.
Outdoor Blog
Finally, is the Outdoor Blog which will include posts regarding hiking, camping or other nature or sport related topics. In the past I have creates some videos of hiking trails and as time allows I hope to do more of that in the future. Until then, this space will allow me to share thoughts and photos of these adventures.
“We don’t stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.”
— George Bernard Shaw

Feel free to contact us with any questions.