“After barely surviving the Black Tide and the demonic assault that followed, the group of newly possessed friends struggle to make peace with the willful spirits that inhabit them. While the spirits grant wisdom and power, it often comes at a terrible price.”
Title: Gathering the Fallen
Series: Rebirth of the Fallen #2
Author: J.R. Konkol
Page Count: 298
Genre: Fantasy
Rating: 4.0/5.0
Date Read: July 7th, 2022
This was a lingering eARC that I received awhile ago. Unfortunately I didn’t realize it was book two of a series so I wanted to pick up and read the first book prior to this one. I knocked out book one and really enjoyed it last month so the time finally came to dig into Gathering the Fallen. You can find my review of book #1 Citadel of the Fallen here. The books in this series are relatively short and very easy to read. That doesn’t take away from the enjoyment of the story at all in my opinion though. The character development through books one and two have been done very well so far. The story has been exciting. Even though we’ve lost some great supporting characters already and there might be a few characters throughout that are rather annoying it really just adds to the overall story. The ending of this book did seem just a little abrupt and left a couple of things as a mystery for me. But the very end and epilogue were both great. We lost a beloved supporting character and find out just a bit more of what might be to come in the next installment. Things are not about to get any easier for our protagonists from what I see! World Building 5/5 Pacing 4/5 Character Development 4/5 This one definitely gives me a strong D&D vibe in a new world setting! I really have enjoyed the world building by the author. And the story is fresh enough to keep entertaining me. I’m looking forward to the next installment! |
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